WD MyCloud is a fairly useful device if you want to have a NAS attached to our network …
However once you start loading a lot of data the performance drops off dramatically … it seems to forever be that the content scan is forever building content or in a phase of always “content scan building”
Youtube Video detailing how to increase performance
Two articles have look at this namely mjd and shortattentionspade.
After carrying out the below changes you should see an immediate improvement, this works until you need to restart the device.
The following advice is at your own risk.
Turning off the two processes causing the performance issues, before begining you should understand your terminal and ssh
This will also void your warranty (however a factory reset should fix this if anything goes wrong)
ssh root@(whatever IP address is of mycloud)
/bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S86wdphotodbmergerd stop
/bin/sh /etc/rc2.d/S85wdmcserverd stop
The processes S86wdphotodbmergerd and S85wdmcserverd essentially consume all the hardware capabilities and make the device so slow.
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-rsa root@192.xxx.x.xx is the new way to do this
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